Our private education loans offer competitive rates and a choice of repayment options.
Key Features
Competitive Rates
Quick Decisions
A private education loan is for students working to obtain a bachelor's degree or higher to cover tuition and additional fees and expenses.
- Minimum individual loan amount of $1,000
- Maximum individual loan amount up to the cost of attendance less other financial aid as certified by the school
- Payments can be fully deferred (6-month deferment), interest-only payments, or immediate principal and interest payments
- No origination fee
- No prepayment penalty
- Student must be the borrower on the loan application and credit agreement
- Must be admitted to or enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school
- Must meet the borrower credit requirements, or
- Apply jointly with a co-signer who meets the co-signer credit requirements (most applicants will need a co-signer)
Do you have more questions? View our FAQ.
Ready to apply? View our application checklist.
A consolidation loan simplifies things, so you only make one payment for all the private and government loans you borrowed. This minimizes the number of servicers you need to work with and the number of loans and their respective due dates you need to manage. One payment — one due date. This is beneficial during the repayment process aiding in better management of your payment obligations.
Consolidation loans are available to students with at least one outstanding fully disbursed private education loan to provide the ability to consolidate existing loans into one loan or even refinance a single loan.
- Minimum loan amount of $5,000
- Maximum loan amount of $150,000
- Repayment terms range from 5 years to 15 years
- 1% Origination fee which is capitalized as part of the loan
- Must have graduated with at least a bachelor's degree from an eligible school
Do you have more questions? View our FAQ.
Ready to apply? View our application checklist.
Realizing your dream of becoming a medical professional took hard work and significant financial commitment. Now, are you looking for some breathing room in your budget? With a medical student loan consolidation you'll find:
- One convenient monthly payment
- Competitive fixed and variable rates
- The option to refinance both federal and private student loans
- Repayment plans from 5 to 15 years
- No co-signer is required with a credit score of 725
- Online credit decisions