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Ransomware Mitigations to Help You Defend Today and Secure Tomorrow

The below recommendations layout three sets of straightforward steps any organization can take to manage their risk. These recommendations are written broadly for all levels within an organization.

Actions for Today – Make Sure You’re Not Tomorrow’s Headline:

  1. Backup your data, system images, and configurations and keep the backups offline
  2. Update and patch systems
  3. Make sure your security solutions are up to date
  4. Review and exercise your incident response plan
  5. Pay attention to ransomware events and apply lessons learned

Actions to Recover If Impacted – Don’t Let a Bad Day Get Worse:

  1. Work with an experienced advisor to help recover from a cyber attack
  2. Isolate the infected systems and phase your return to operations
  3. Review the connections of any business relationships that touch your network
  4. Apply business impact assessment findings to prioritize recovery

Actions to Secure Your Environment Going Forward – Don’t Let Yourself be an Easy Mark:

  1. Practice good cyber hygiene; backup, update, whitelist apps, limit privilege, and use multifactor authentication
  2. Segment your networks; make it hard for the bad guy to move around and infect multiple systems
  3. Develop containment strategies; if bad guys get in, make it hard for them to get stuff out
  4. Know your system’s baseline for recovery
  5. Review disaster recovery procedures and validate goals with executives