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How to Protect Seniors Against Cybercrimes and Scams

Many of the crimes that occur in real life happen on the internet too. Credit card fraud, identity theft, embezzlement, and more are being done online. Seniors and the elderly are often targeted for these cybercrimes. They tend to be more trusting than younger people and usually have better credit and more wealth. This makes them more attractive to scammers.

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Do you know about catch-up contributions?

If you're over 50, the I.R.S. offers "Catch-Up Contributions" as a way to catch up on your retirement preparations.

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Services to Protect Your Business from Fraud

At FCCB, we have services that help protect your operation from fraud.

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My Employer Changed. What should I do with my 401(k)?

Changing employers introduces a new dilemma for employees: what to do with the 401k account they had with their former employer. Generally, you have four options.

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Financial Safety Tips for Travel

Americans are hitting the road again! Check out these great tips for a safe and trouble-free vacation.

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