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Creating a Password

Creating a strong password is an essential step to protecting yourself online. Using long and complex passwords is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself from cybercrime. No citizen is immune to cyber risk, but you can minimize your chances of an incident.

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A How-to-Guide for Multi-Factor Authentication

Have you noticed how often security breaches, stolen data, and identity theft are consistently front-page news these days? As these incidents become more prevalent, you should consider using multi-factor authentication, also called strong authentication, or two-factor authentication.

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Phishing 101

Phishing attacks use email or malicious websites to infect your machine with malware and viruses in order to collect personal and financial information. Cybercriminals attempt to lure users to click on a link or open an attachment that infects their computers, creating vulnerability to attacks. Phishing emails may appear to come from a real financial institution, e-commerce site, government agency, or any other service, business, or individual. The email may also request personal information such as account numbers, passwords, or Social Security numbers. When users respond with the information or click on a link, attackers use it to access users' accounts.

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Social Media Cybersecurity

Now more than ever, consumers spend increasing amounts of time on the Internet. With every social media account you sign up for, every picture you post, and status you update, you are sharing information about yourself with the world. Take these simple steps to connect with confidence and safely navigate the social media world.

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Staying Cyber-Safe on Vacation

Typical travelers heading out on their vacation check that they have the right supplies and clothes for their trip before they hit the road. Expert travelers will be also checking to ensure they are educated and prepared to be cyber-safe with their devices and data while on the road!

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