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The Marcellus Shale gas exploration has brought excitement, challenges and overwhelming change to our communities.

We have become hosts to a variety of new businesses and home to an influx of gas industry workers. And for residents fortunate enough to own mineral rights, the bonus and royalty payments you will receive will impact your lives forever.

When a landowner is approached by a gas company, the excitement, accompanied by confusion and stress, begins. Understanding what is a fair value for your mineral rights and the use of your land, as well as ensuring your land is protected and appropriately maintained is just the beginning.

Upon signing the lease, new concerns related to taxes, the accuracy and distribution of royalty payments and managing your wealth now, and in the future, become day-to-day concerns.

Because the decisions you make today will impact you and your families for generations, it is critical that you have access to well- informed industry professionals. The Trust Department at First Citizens is here to help.

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Simplify a Complicated Process: Active Management, Reliable Information

Services Available:

  • Review of leases, unit declarations, division orders and check stubs
  • Confirmation of decimal interests
  • Evaluation of post-production deductions
  • Reconciliation with reported production
  • Verification of gas prices
  • Imaging and maintenance of royalty checks
  • Customized reporting

As energy companies have intensified drilling in the Marcellus Shale, your mineral interests may have become one of your most valuable assets. Managing your mineral interests can be a challenging and time-consuming responsibility. Royalty statements can be difficult to read, and verifying the reported price and production is essential to protecting your interests. Distributions to co-owners must be timely and accurate, and all required information must be captured for tax reporting. 

You don't need to be an expert, but you should be using one.

Secure Your Family's Future: Experience the Power of Planning

Services Available:

  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Investment Management
  • Tax Planning Strategies
  • Gifting Strategies
  • Financial Planning for Royalty Income

The financial gain associated with your gas lease is a welcome event – deciding how to manage it takes planning. The First Citizens Oil and Gas Management Team will help you achieve your financial goals with an organized planning process and will work with your attorney to build an effective estate plan.

Each financial plan is unique and begins with projected oil and gas revenues based on local production data. By understanding these projections, which include an estimated decline curve, and the effect of inflation and taxes, you are better equipped to achieve your financial goals.

Your mineral ownership will likely benefit several generations. An estate plan allows you to direct how your final assets will be distributed and used. An effective plan will also minimize the taxes due at your death, making more of your assets available for your beneficiaries.

To help you face the challenges that accompany this opportunity, consider relying on First Citizens for advice you can trust, from people you know.

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Not a deposit, not FDIC-insured, not insured by any federal government agency, not guaranteed by the bank, and may go down in value.